New Phases Of Life

In birthday celebration of my beloved daughter, Naiya, the fam went on location in the Rhino District, downtown Denver, to get some urban vibes. Color, fabric, symmetries, and some beautiful young talent made the piece come to life. It is incredibly hard shooting kids but I was lucky enough to have some very experienced assistants, thanks Mom and Dad.


We had such a lovely time at Salt Creek beach in Orange County. The girls got to be themselves while I got some test footage with the Komodo. Although sunlight was limited the mist added a nice ambience.


These pictures were taken in the beautiful beach town of Sayulita. Filled with vibrant culture, good food, and fun activities, this place is one of Mexicos’ truly memorable destinations.

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Summer 2018

Summer 18′ my life is forever changed.  Finding greater color, composition, and meaning has been a theme.  These are a few images that were taken in California, and various parts of Colorado.


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Christmas 2017

Deep in the Rocky Mountains, in the town of Oak Creek, I spent time with a family that is a lineage of coal miners.  The climate is harsh and it is mountain lion country but one can still find a ranching community at large. The beauty of the Flat Top Mountains mixed with rolling hills creates a unique feel for this area of colorado.


Thanksgiving 2017

Never a dull moment in Santa Monica. Although Venice beach is not the cleanest beach in California it has timeless character and beauty. I am thankful for and incredible family, the legendary moments we share are more precious than gold.

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Orange County Sunset

This was a recent shoot in Laguna Beach at magic hour. Orange County holds some of the most beautiful beaches in California. As the light begins to fade a new spectrum of color emerges from this beach.

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Summer 2017

Most of these images were taken in the Rocky Mountains. The wildlife in Summer brings a new meaning to the Rockies showcasing some of natures finest. The snowmelt floods rivers and nourishes the beautiful geography.W1.jpgBEAR EL BDAYBEAR BDAY.jpg_MG_0373.jpgHORSE BDAY.jpgDK9A1126.jpg_MG_0355.jpgDSC02450TEST SONY.jpgDSC02609TEST SONY.jpgDSC02822TEST SONY.jpgDSC02278TEST SONY.jpgDSC02896TEST SONY.jpgDSC02681TEST SONY.jpgwater fall.jpgDA BW HORSE.jpg